KKD Requests Stop Lobbying Regarding 5G Implementation Through Media


The Ministry of Communications and Digital now insists to stop lobbying on any matter regarding the implementation of 5G in Malaysia, whether through international or domestic media.

For now, the government is carrying out various studies regarding the direction of 5G implementation in Malaysia, and says it will not be affected by any lobbying measures for the implementation contract.

The government is expected to make a final decision regarding the direction of 5G implementation in Malaysia, towards the end of this month, March 2023.

Previously, there were reports from the international media, stating that Huawei wanted to lobby for 5G infrastructure development opportunities in Malaysia. KKD did not say whether this new statement was directed at anyone, but instead emphasized the matter in general.

For now, Ericsson has been awarded the contract for the development of 5G infrastructure, through DNB. KKD also asserted that, if any, the government will honor any contract that has been signed.

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