Metaverse, the virtual world that is believed to be the future of the internet, was heralded by Mark Zuckerberg. But recently, the founder of Facebook was reportedly 'burying' the metaverse quietly. What's wrong?
Because of his intention, Zuckerberg made Meta as his parent company, which oversees Facebook, Instagram, to Meta. Not only that, billions of dollars were poured out for the development of the metaverse. But indeed, the metaverse is not that popular, instead it makes Meta a big loss. Reality Projects, which manages the metaverse on Meta, recorded a loss of nearly USD 24 billion.
As quoted by us from The Street, recently Zuckerberg has not discussed the metaverse much. His attention seems to be turning to artificial intelligence, given the rise in popularity of platforms like ChatGPT.
Facebook also launched its own AI model, LLaMA. LLaMA stands for Large Language Model Meta AI. His presence was announced directly by Zuck.
"LLMs have shown great potential in creating texts, conducting conversations, summarizing written material, and other more complex tasks such as solving mathematical theorems or predicting protein structures," Zuckerberg wrote on Facebook.
AI is indeed considered the future of technology, so it's no wonder that technology giants are competing to develop it so they don't get left behind. So what about the fate of the metaverse?
It is known that Meta will still develop it, although it is no longer as aggressive as before. Virtual reality headsets to access them will continue to be developed, but more for certain audiences, for example gamers. Several experts also considered that Zuckerberg's step was the right one, because he did not insist on continuing to defend the metaverse and turning to AI before it was too late.