Meatballs Made From Mammoth DNA Revealed


Cultivated meat is a new meat introduction concept that is developed using DNA and animal cells to give the experience of eating real meat without having to kill or slaughter animals and does not use plants to mimic the texture of the food.

Recently, at the Nemo Science Museum in Amsterdam, Vow, a company that focuses on the manufacture of this cultured meat, has shown meatballs made from wooly mammoth DNA.

Vow said they used a known DNA sequence from an open source, and combined it with the DNA sequence of the African elephant, which is the extinct animal's closest relative.

This DNA is then inserted into the sheep's cells which then multiply multiple times in the laboratory until it is sufficient to make these meatballs. Tim Noakesmith, the founder of Vow, said that this meat has a taste similar to crocodile meat, but for now it is not yet edible for humans.

This cultured meat concept is something new, and only Singapore is seen as a country that allows this kind of food concept to be used as a food ingredient for now.

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