More environmentally friendly, Oppo applies neutral carbon in 2050

 Oppo will apply the Principle of Carbon Neutrality to all of its operational activities in 2050. This is based on the Oppo Climate Action Report report: Climate Pledges and Low Carbon Development Strategy at the Mobile World Congress 2023 (MWC 2023) event.

Oppo Founder and CEO Tony Chen said the move was taken to prevent climate change. Because at present, a number of phenomena show that the climate change process has occurred.

"Applying the principle of carbon neutrality requires determination and patience. In line with the company's mission, 'technology for humanity, goodness for the world', we are committed to applying the principle of carbon neutrality with the same sincerity when we create technological innovation," Tony said in a written statement , Thursday (2/3/2023).

He said to realize the development of low carbon business, his party already had a roadmap. Through this report there are five main aspects of the concern of Oppo, namely low carbon manufacturing, reducing carbon traces, investing to undergo businesses that produce a little carbon, utilize digital technology to manage carbon emissions, and collaborate to create industrial standards while overcoming climate change.

"With the launch of this Climate Action Report, Oppo is committed to applying the Principle of Carbon Neutrality in 2050," he said.

Encourages an environmentally friendly manufacturing industry

He said based on reports made by the internet at least factory operational activities and data centers are the two highest sources of carbon emission producing. Even the factory and data center respectively produce carbon emissions of 62% and 31.9% of all OPPO operational activities.

Even so, it will continue to try to suppress carbon emissions in the two sectors. Because it wants a business that is not only concerned with business, but environmental aspects also need to be considered.

Photo: Doc. Oppo Indonesia

"In addition to encouraging business growth, Oppo also explores various new innovations to ensure that all manufacturing and business activities become more environmentally friendly. Until the end of 2022, OPPO is able to reduce carbon emissions up to 6,000 tons each year. This figure is equivalent to the amount of carbon emissions that can absorbed by the forest area of 3,330 square kilometers a year, "he said.

Tony said, since 2020, his party had carried out a systematic energy savings when using a production machine in its factory. The steps taken are by replacing the manual production machine with the automatic. So that the system works can be regulated in realtime and reduce power consumption optimally. He gave an example of the use of automatic angle cutting machines that could reduce power consumption by 54%.

Not only that, his party is also establishing the Binhai Bay Data Center as the first neutral carbon data center from OPPO which was developed independently. Binhai Bay Data Center uses 100% renewable energy by applying the latest low -carbon technology, one of which is immorsing cooling used for GPU server cluster.

IMMERSION COOLING technology is a cooling process where computer devices are dipped in non-conductive liquids to eliminate heat as long as the computer device is operating. With immersion cooling, conventional cooling devices such as fans and air conditioners will no longer be needed. The application of immersion cooling technology can save energy up to 45% and the efficiency of power use (Pue) can be reduced to 1.15.

"In this digital age, demand for data storage technology, artificial intelligence (AI), and high -performance computing will continue to increase. Thus, the data center and GPU server cluster will consume higher power as well," he said.

"In addition to overcoming challenges due to higher power consumption, Oppo must also find ways to eliminate heat efficiently. Most conventional data centers usually use fans, air conditioners, and other mechanical equipment to cool the room. Unfortunately, this consumes more energy And instead it produces higher CO2 emissions, "he continued.

Present sustainability in the life cycle of product management

Oppo prioritizes sustainability in every product life cycle management in the context of efforts to preserve the environment. In the packaging process, it applies the Principle of 3R+1D (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Biodegradable) that is environmentally friendly and has been internationally recognized.

As for the realization, Tony said, in 2023, Oppo will begin to remove plastic in the process of packaging his smartphone in Europe. Oppo will replace plastic with materials that are 100% biodegradable and more environmentally friendly. This more environmentally friendly packaging is made from 45% recycled fiber produced from used paper or vegetable materials (such as sugar cane and bamboo).

"This is also expected to reduce the demand for raw materials that are less environmentally friendly," he explained.

It also will create a number of innovations to increase product durability such as the use of Battery Health Engine technology. The technology is able to maintain 80% of the original battery capacity of up to 1600 times charging.

Meanwhile, to overcome the problem of electronic waste pollution, OPPO has created a product recycling system and launched an additional exchange service in the domestic and international markets to encourage users to recycle.

"In 2021, as many as 1.2 million phones with a total weight of 216 tons have been recycled in China. This number increased to 1.3 million phones weighing 240 tons in 2022. In the EU and other regions, OPPO participated in the Green program Dot and partner with professional recycling companies to recycle used products, "said Tony.

Through the Climate Action Report, his party will continue to strive to collaborate with industrial partners and the wider community to be able to build the future to pay attention to environmental aspects.

"The road to the greener future is still long. However, Oppo is already on the right track to achieve this goal by launching the Climate Action Report and implementing a low carbon development strategy," he concluded.

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