On April 1st Calit Blue Will Be Removed On Accounts That Are Not Subscribed To Twitter Blue

 Today Twitter Blue was launched globally along with a program to verify the identity of accounts owned by heads of state and key employees of government bodies. Also announced is that the blue smear received by the account through the Twitter Verified program will be removed starting April 1, 2023.

On that date, the account holder's identity verification smear will begin to be phased out. To those who want to keep the blue smear on the account, Twitter recommends that they subscribe to Twitter Blue. Previously Elon Musk said this blue smear will be removed but did not give any date when it will be done.

This action of Twitter received a negative reaction from users because it was seen as prioritizing profit because anyone who can subscribe gets smeared instead of being given to those who are only experts in their respective fields.

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