This Is Not A Headphone But An Earwax Removal Device


According to health experts, humans need to wash the ear cavity once every 4 weeks. This will be able to avoid the issue of ear cavity infection and earwax clots that interfere with hearing. For those who may not be amused to clean their own ears, the OtoSet Ear Cleaning System has been launched.

It looks like a pair of earphones but is actually a device designed to remove earwax. The cleaning liquid is placed in two washing chambers. There is a silicone funnel inserted into the ear that drains the washing liquid.

The suction mechanism will then remove the cleaning fluid and dirt from the ear cavity before being stored in the sewage chamber. According to the manufacturer, the process of cleaning the ears only takes five minutes.

A pair of OtoSet Ear Cleaning System is sold at a price of $3059 (~RM13,700) each but can only be purchased by health clinics.

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