There has been a lot of buzz about Apple's first AR headset expected to be shown at WWDC this year. Some previous reports said that this first version of the headset faced various issues such as heating, weight, and having a short battery life. However, according to the Financial Times report, the launch will also be done this year at the direction of Tim Cook.
Tim Cook supports the opinion of Jeff Williams, the head of Apple's operations division, that the headset should be launched immediately. It will be launched even though the engineers developing the AR headset feel the product is not yet ready. The issues of being too heavy, the battery not lasting long and the selling price being expensive have not been resolved.
Apple's first AR headset is rumored to sell for $3000 apiece. Then in the second generation, a better version at a more affordable price will be marketed. It's common for Apple's first generation products to be sold at relatively high prices before being improved every year.
AR headsets are seen as a necessary technology in the near future with Meta already taking their first steps. Meanwhile, Samsung, Google and Qualcomm have confirmed that cooperation will be done to produce joint headsets.