Android 13 Is Only Used On 12.1% Of The World's Android Devices


Android 14 Beta 1 was released yesterday in preparation for the full version launch around August. What percentage of Android devices are running different versions now? According to 9to5Google, at the time only 12.1% of devices were using Android 13 after almost 8 months of launch.

This makes it the Android version with the 5th largest holdings. It is still far behind Android 11 (23.5%), Android 10 (18.5%), Android 12 (16.5%) and Android Pie (12.3%). Although 12.1% seems small, the number of Android 13 devices has more than doubled compared to January when it was only at 5%.

Despite being around for decades, the issue of Android devices not using the operating system version still occurs. Manufacturers are doubling their efforts but we can still see fast updates still limited to flagship and mid-premium devices only.

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