Apps On Google Play Must Give Users The Option To Delete Personal Data


Personal data is very valuable. Usage habits, purchases and your location can be mined to make it easier to target ads. That's why when your data is leaked, you start receiving ridiculous phone calls and scam messages. Google Play has made amendments to their app development terms and conditions to allow for the complete deletion of personal data more easily.

Application development in the Play Store is required to give users the option to delete accounts and personal data directly from within the application starting December 7, 2023. This is only for applications that offer the feature of opening a new account from within the application.

Apart from within the app, the delete account link will also be displayed in the app information on the Play Store. A link on how to completely delete personal data will be provided. This is useful for those who have already deleted the app from the device.

This feature of deleting accounts and personal data cannot be hidden and must be easily accessible to users. Through this feature, Google hopes there will be more transparency about how users' data will be used after they no longer use the app.

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