Bulan Bintang Sets Guinness World Record For Fastest Marathon Runner In Traditional Malay Dress


Bulan Bintang, one of the local clothing brands, has now managed to set a Guinness world record for the category of the fastest marathon runner wearing traditional Malay clothing - that is, a complete Malay shirt with side skirts.

This record was set at the TCS London Marathon 2023 by Mohd Syahidan Bin Alias, taking 2 hours 49 minutes 22 seconds for the full marathon record of 42.2 kilometers.

In addition to marketing, it also indirectly promotes traditional Malay clothing in international eyes. Previously, Mohd Syahidan Bin Alias also held the record for runners dressed in the Malaysian flag, in 2018.

In addition to Bulan Bintang's efforts, Guiness also shared the various records of marathon runners dressed in unique clothing recorded at the annual marathon event, including dressing like a boxer, dressed to sleep, dressed like a trex, dressed like a pirate, dressed like an airplane, and so on.

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