China Wants Every AI to Go Through a Securities Evaluation Process Before Launching


Artificial intelligence will cause some careers to become extinct and be completely taken over by them. That is why there is a recommendation that the development of AI be temporarily suspended to see its impact on society. The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) has released a draft today to conduct a security assessment on every AI before it is released to the public.

In the same draft, companies that develop AI have to ensure that users register using their own names so that they can be detected in case of abuse. If the banned content is AI-generated, the developer is given three months to make changes to ensure it doesn't happen again.

AI and algorithms also need to be trained so as not to use data that can bring injustice to certain groups. If all these guidelines are not followed, AI developers can be fined.

Any suggestions and comments on the filed draft must be submitted by May 10. As globally, companies in China have launched some of their AI. Alibaba with Tongyi Qianwen and Baidu is present with ERNIE Bot.

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