China Wants To Develop Its Own Undersea Cable Network – Connecting Asia, Middle East And Europe


Today, submarine cables are used to connect intercontinental internet networks on a global level, ensuring users can access websites hosted in certain countries easily and quickly. About 95% of internet traffic is via submarine cables.

Most of the submarine cable development is led by the United States. Now, the Chinese side wants to develop an alternative for it by presenting their own submarine cable offering.

To this end, Chinese telecommunications firms will reportedly collaborate in developing a network that connects Asia, the Middle East and even Europe.

This cable is said to connect China to Hong Kong, then to Singapore, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and even France. The company HMN Technologies, which is majority owned by Huawei, is expected to develop this project through the investment of the Chinese telecommunications firm.

This move is seen as an extension of the tension between America and China, especially in the technology arena. China is often said by America to be a data spy when it goes through services under China, one of the things that China often denies. With the development of this own cable, it simultaneously leads to an alternative internet traffic flow - while at the same time allowing China to be ready if the United States suddenly chooses to cut off the internet traffic flow to China.

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