Here's How To Transfer Android Files To Windows With Nearby Share

 Yesterday Android launched a new application for Windows which is Nearby Share Beta for Windows. Through it users can transfer various files from Android devices to Windows devices as easily as AirDrop on iPhone and MacBook.

Nearby Share for those who still don't know is already installed on their respective Android devices (as long as Android 6.0 and above and there is a Google Play Store) is Google's answer to Apple for AirDrop. Nearby Share is also more powerful because it has many controls, supports transferring files to many devices simultaneously and can also send large files.

In this article I will share how to use it;

Download Nearby Share Beta for Windows on the Android website.

Install it on your Windows device.

Change privacy settings either;

Accept from all users.

Receive from contacts.

Receive from your device.

The device is hidden.

If you want Nearby Share to always be able to find your device turn on “Make sure everyone mode is on all the time”.

Turn on Nearby Share on the Android device and make sure the privacy settings are discoverable by Windows.

To send files from Windows to Android just drag and drop to the Nearby Share window or select a file/select a folder.

On an Android device press accept or if it's your own device with the same account it will automatically accept.

If you want to transfer from Android device to Windows, select the file you want and press the share button.

Select "Share via Nearby Share".

Select your computer.

If you're transferring to multiple devices just tap one device at a time listed.

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