How Much "Digital Weight" Did You Lose This Ramadan?

 Ramadan 1444 Hijrah will draw the curtain this Maghrib in Southeast Asia. At the beginning of last Ramadan, we did an annual weigh-in activity to see how many kilograms of fat could be reduced due to fasting. So far no one has failed to reduce it even as much as a mustard seed. It is clear that fasting is indeed able to make the body healthier in line with the scientific studies we reported last year.

The topic of "how much less weight" is one of the safest to open a dialogue with relatives who have not seen each other for a long time or random people who come to celebrate at the house of the uncle next door to the mother who has a sister from the next village. But the topic I am sure has never talked about is how much digital weight can be reduced?

What Is Digital Weight?

What is digital weight? Because this is a new concept that I just thought about 30 minutes ago, let me explain it. It is the amount of data that was successfully reduced during Ramadan. Are you fasting in physical form only or like me who is also trying to fast digitally.

Throughout Ramadan I managed to reduce the use of major social media platforms and video streaming platforms. The reason is because I feel that at the age of 40, it is a waste to be wasted on useless activities. It's old, make it old style. The task of finding popularity online is for young people or people who still refuse to accept that they are getting closer to entering the cave.

Data on the phone can be reduced up to 20GB according to the application of the telecommunications company I use. Digital Wellbeing also confirmed that phone usage time over the past four weeks has decreased by around 20%. Admittedly, this is a big reduction, but I feel it is in line with the average percentage of body weight that was successfully lost during Ramadan.

I replace the time online with activities such as teaching the children homework, reading books and reading comics that have been collecting dust on the shelf for years.

Thank you Elon Musk

The process of shedding digital weight this month is facilitated by Twitter which is now a trash platform. I am a person who deserves to be categorized as "Twitter shit" because 80% of my daily online activities are spent here. It is the best platform to find the latest news material which is then written . So far there is no other platform that I feel is the best to get the fastest information. For 10% of the time spent on Reddit to read wrestling news and 10% is reading other sites to dig up trending topics.

Ever since Elon Musk took over, Twitter has become increasingly trashy. Algorithms display useless information to me every day. Advertisements fill the time line so that the user experience is fibrous. Elon Musk personally brought me as close to quitting Twitter as a cancer scare brought me two years ago to quit smoking.

Since I stopped smoking I no longer have frequent headaches and my lung capacity is increasing. I don't know what the long-term positive effects of this digital weight reduction will be. What I realized after I no longer felt the need to be online all the time was better sleep, less angry feelings and the hippocampus was not stuffed with useless knowledge.

Try it yourself

In conjunction with Hari Raya Aidilfitri tomorrow, I would like to apologize if there are any mistakes. Please ask for analog and digital blanks. Eliminates all dissatisfaction if there is such a thing as a properly formatted SSD. I suggest readers try to reduce digital weight in Ramadan in 1445 Hijrah. If I, who has this internet addiction, can do it, you can too.

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