Steam Deck Used To Control Guns On Ukrainian Battlefield

 Steam Deck game consoles are commonly used to play your favorite computer games from anywhere without having to worry about heavy bags because you have to carry a gaming laptop with you.

In Ukraine, the people of that country seem to have bought this Steam Deck console for a very different purpose. The country is still at war with Russia, and to ensure that the number of casualties does not increase so dramatically, they have developed a rifle system called Sablya.

This automatic rifle can be controlled remotely, up to 500 meters using the Steam Deck console with a slight change where the console is installed with a new operating system, and is used to not only control this Sablya automatic rifle, but also to look around the area of the rifle to ensure that the enemy do not advance in their area.

The use of this Sablya rifle helped to some extent in reducing the deaths among the people and also the Ukrainian fighters, and also to subdue the drones used by the Russian soldiers.

More interestingly, Sablya can also be used as a platform for various types of weapons, from rifles to anti-infantry or anti-tank weapons.

The use of Steam Deck to control Sablya is not surprising, especially when it can also be seen as a computer that comes with controls and a built-in screen display that can be easily modified using an operating system such as Linux.

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