Tesla Will Use Iron Batteries For Near-Range Affordable BEVs


Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are the answer to today's world air pollution issues. But we realize batteries do not exist out of thin air but the basic materials still need to be mined and with the demand for BEVs increasing it is now also contributing to pollution. At a time when the nickel and lithium needed are getting more expensive due to high demand.

Tesla now says it will use iron-based batteries for its affordable BEV and short-range Tesla Semi vehicles. Lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries replace nickel with iron as a component. They are cheaper but have a lower power density and are also heavier than nickel-based batteries. At the same time it has the advantage of not being very flammable.

Since the beginning of the company's establishment, Tesla wanted to offer more affordable electric cars with prices below $30,000 apiece. Until now it has not become a reality because of the rising costs.

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