Want to Be Healthier? Walking Room Allows You to Work While Walking


A popular trend a few years ago was the tall standing desk. According to users of standing desks this is a healthier way to work because you are not sitting statically on a chair when in the office. In the Netherlands, the EDGE Stadium office building now offers a Walking Room where users can work while walking.

The Walking Room is equipped with a giant treadmill that moves at a maximum speed of 3.2 kph (0.88 meters per second). There is a long work table at the end of this walking machine. Employees can rent a Walking Room and bring their own computer. While working they can now walk.

This room is 14 x 24 meters in size and can accommodate up to 15 individuals simultaneously. There is an emergency switch that can be pressed to stop the machine running in an emergency. A drinking water shower machine and a fruit stand are also placed in the room for use after a tiring walk.

In a six-month study conducted by the Amsterdam University of Applied Science, 67% of staff who used the Walking Room felt healthier and more productive and had lower stress levels. So would you be excited if Walking Room is also offered at your workplace?

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