Xiaomi Patents Device With Rollable Screen


Smartphones with foldable screens are commonplace. Samsung, Oppo, Vivo, Honor, Xiaomi and Huawei already offer devices like this. In fact, apart from Samsung and Motorola, Oppo also offers clamshell devices. What hasn't become a trend yet are devices with rollable screens.

LG, Samsung and Oppo have already shown concept devices like this. But they are all prototypes. Recently Xiaomi also wants to join the arena of phones whose screens can be rolled up. They have just registered a patent for a device like this.

Based on the available images this device has some sort of cylindrical rod and a screen. On this rod there is a pop-up camera and the screen is of the all-encompassing type that can be enlarged at the push of a button (perhaps on the bottom of the rod) and reduced when rolled up.

With more and more manufacturers starting to look towards this technology will we see it anytime soon or will it take years?

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