SonyPlayStation VR2 went on sale last February. In some early reports, the sales were said to be lower than the initial expectations but no official figures were announced by Sony. But in a presentation for Sony's Video Games and Services segment, they finally shared that PSVR2 sales through April were close to 600,000 units.
PSVR2 sales figures so far are around 8% higher than PSVR in the first 6 weeks after it went on sale. It's still below Sony's original target of 2 million units in the first four weeks. However, Sony has previously voiced the hope that PSVR2 sales will be able to surpass the 5 million units recorded by PSVR.
There is still hope that Sony will cut prices in the near future. Among the factors why sales are low is the price of PSVR2 which is too expensive (RM 2799) compared to the Bluray drive version PS5 console (RM2499).