After the Data Plan, Yoodo Will Allow Users to Customize the Line Active Duration


Yoodo today is already widely known for offering telecommunications plans that allow users to set and adjust data quotas, call minute requirements, and SMS. It's all customizable directly through the Yoodo app, and only pays for what a user needs.

Further to that, Yoodo now through a special interview, also stated that in a few months, Yoodo will allow users to also adjust the bill period or the active period of the plan according to their respective needs.

This will immediately change the 30-day active setting implemented today. With this change, users can make settings for example, only bill every 90 days, and buy the data that is suitable for them, while enjoying the Yoodo line for that period. It will also make it easier for parents to buy data for their children.

Yoodo states that with a long billing period, it will make it easier for users to manage, in addition to giving users more discounts when buying data or calls with a long active period.

Yoodo still does not share what the maximum or minimum time limit will be, and for now. More information regarding it is expected to be shared when the product is available later.

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