Two years ago, Oppo launched its own ISP chip, the MariSilicon X. This chip is specialized for photography purposes and uses 6nm technology that has the ability of artificial intelligence to reach 18 TOPs.
The Oppo Find X5 Pro was the first device with this chip and was later also used on the Find N2 Flip and Find N2. Oppo then also came with a new MariSilicon Y chip for audio that is still not used on any device except for the OHealth H1 which is a portable ECG and Stethoscope.
Recently Oppo has confirmed to Android Authority that they will no longer produce MariSilicon X and MariSilicon Y chips. The clear reason was not revealed but it is said to be because of the uncertain global economic situation and Oppo not being able to make a long-term agreement with ZEKU which is its own chip division them.
Devices such as Oppo Find N2 Flip and Find X5 Pro that already use this chip have no problem to use. We don't even know if Oppo has released many of these chips or not for use in new generation devices. What is certain is that after this there will be no more new MariSilicon chips. At the time of writing the Oppo MariSilicon X and Y website has been deleted.