Google CEO DeepMind : We Will Reach Human-Level AGI In A Few Years


Google DeepMind is a special division under Google that focuses on artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Most recently, through a partnership with the WSJ, the CEO of Google DeepMind stated that we will reach AGI-level artificial intelligence within a few years.

AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) is said to be the next phase in the development of artificial intelligence that will generally operate at the same level or smarter than humans. In fact, with the application and access to various data, it is expected to be more intelligent than ordinary humans.

Although not specifying a specific period, Google DeepMind aims to achieve it in just a few years.

In addition to Google, previously, OpenAI also aimed to reach the AGI phase within a few years. And with the artificial intelligence arena racing across the industry, it may be achieved faster than previous targets.

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