Google Labs Lets Users Test Latest AI Features Early

 This morning Google showed various artificial intelligence (AI) integration Bard and PaLM2 on products such as Search, and Workspace. Although it has been shown many readers may not realize the majority of these AI features are not publicly accessible. So for those interested in testing AI early Google Labs has been announced.

Google Labs test lab allows users to enter the waiting list early. As well as accessing new AI features in Workspace and Search, Labs is also the place for those interested in trying out MusicLM and Project Tailwind. MusicLM is an AI that produces music based on user-entered text input.

Project Tailwind is an AI trained using personal data written by users. Google says it's like an AI for opening notes. Then it can generate text and perform smarter searches based on personal notes written by yourself. At this time Google Labs is only open to residents of the United States.

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