Google Search Will Display Labels On AI Generated Images


Google is aware of issues around the use of artificial intelligence (AI) that can generate images. They themselves have an AI Imagen that can do these tugs as well as DALL.E 2 and Midjourney. At Google I/O this morning they announced that Search will display more detailed information on the images that appear in search results that users perform.

For example, each image will be given the option to view information about the history of the image such as when it first appeared on the internet by pressing the About this image button. With this context the user can find out whether the image is original or has been manipulated.

More importantly, Search will display a new label that provides information if the image was generated by AI. The label will be displayed below the image with the source it was generated by Imagen or Shuttercock.AI for example. This feature will be rolled out to all users in the coming months.

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