Google Will Change the HTTPS Mango Icon to a Brand New Icon

 Today, many people may be familiar with the mango icon next to the URL bar, indicating that a site has HTTPS encryption. It was introduced earlier to ensure that certain sites are safe, compared to others.

However, now with all sites using it – including malicious sites and others, Google is now looking at giving the icon a new lease of life. Google now aims to update the icon as early as September through Google Chrome 117.

With over 95% of sites loaded through Chrome on Windows today using HTTPS, Google feels the mango icon gives a different signal, leaving users vulnerable to security threats.

Through the new icon, it will give a sign to the ability to control what a page accesses - more or less like a sign to access a menu.

This small update is expected to be introduced on the desktop version of Chrome and on Android as early as September 2023.

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