Instagram Is Developing A "Sticker" Generation Feature Through Text Input With AI Support


Today, we are ready to see some services that offer the feature of generating images through the support of artificial intelligence by simply inputting text. Among the popular ones are MidJourney and DallE.

With the popularity of such a feature, now Instagram is not left behind and seems to want to include a feature to generate its own sticker or "sticker" by just inputting text phrases.

This will allow users to create their own stickers, and further diversify the use in the social application. This is also in line with Mark Zuckerberg's previous partnership that wants to facilitate creative visual production on Facebook and Instagram through the integration of artificial intelligence.

For now, this feature is in development, and appears to be included in the latest Instagram app code revision.

#Instagram is working on the ability to generate custom stickers using AI 👀

— Alessandro Paluzzi (@alex193a) May 3, 2023

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