Microsoft Surface X Webcam Is Having Issues With Failure To Work


The Microsoft Surface X tablet device is their Windows 11 tablet powered by an ARM processing chip that is seen to come with a more affordable price tag and longer battery life.

Recently, it has been reported that the webcam component on all Microsoft Surface X devices is not working where the error Error code 0xA00F4271<MediaCaptureFailedEvent> (0x80004005) is displayed.

In short, the webcam component is unusable, and there is nothing the user can do to fix it. The issue that caused this to be seen is a digital certificate that has already expired on May 23, 2023, and has not yet been updated by Microsoft.

This could technically be fixed by changing the computer's clock to a date before May 23rd, but the issue with this is that it will cause various software and other computer services to function properly.

So far, Microsoft has not issued a statement or correction regarding this digital certificate.

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