Mozilla Opens Closed Beta For "Healthier" Social Services - Mozilla.Social

 Mozilla at the end of 2022 has stated that it wants to look into a healthier social media arena, under the name Mozilla.Social.

Now, after a few months, Mozilla has already opened the registration of interest to the public, as an early preparation in the launch of their own social media service.

Mozilla says their intention is to make the internet better for people. Because of that they came up with a better web browser offering, and now 25 years later, Mozilla now wants to experiment with a better social arena for users.

Today, social media plays a major role in the daily lives of internet users. This at the same time makes it very important to get new content, share ideas, share opinions, learn new things, and so on.

Mozilla wants to develop a healthy, open social media based on Mastodon. Various limits will be included, besides it will also be monitored to ensure that discussions in the community are healthy and not negative.

Starting today, Mozilla is starting a closed beta for Mozilla.Social, and is open to the public to register interest. At the same time, Mozilla said they will invest in making Mastodon and social media even better.

For those of you who are interested, you can register your interest on the special Mozilla.Social page, before being able to join the service when it becomes available later.

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