NANOTrust And GRAPHENEVerify Certification Schemes Build User Confidence In Nano Technology


Aiming to further drive the commercialization of Malaysian nanotechnology, two product certification schemes known as NANOTrust and GRAPHENEVeryfi were launched today. It is an initiative under the NanoVerify program to accelerate the growth of nanotechnology in Malaysia by increasing consumer trust in products related to nanotechnology.

This also opens up space for local small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that integrate nano and graphene technology into existing products to gain the trust of the public. At the same time, also improve product quality to penetrate a wider market, whether domestic or global. All manufacturing products, including cosmetics, food, automotive and textiles containing nanomaterials can apply for this certification scheme.

Through the same event, a certification scheme was also presented to 29 registered companies. All these certificates were presented by the Malaysian Deputy Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Datuk Arthur Joseph Kurup who was also accompanied by the Chairman of NANOVerify Sdn. Bhd., Datuk Fadilah Baharin and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of NanoMalaysia Berhad, Dr Rezal Khairi Bin Ahmad.

Sharing with us briefly, the application form is available through the official website. Applicants need to complete it and physically sign it. Once completed, the form needs to be sent along with the required supporting letter either via email or post. We also understand that this certification scheme is valid for up to two years which requires the applicant to make a new application after that.

The need to send back the material for testing depends on the product content, if there are any extras the product must be sent all for evaluation purposes. The time taken for the approval of this certificate scheme depends on the type of product which can reach about three months before being notified again to the applicant.

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