OpenAI, Who Developed ChatGPT, Reported a Loss of RM2.4 Billion Last Year

 OpenAI, the firm behind the development of artificial intelligence-based offerings, such as ChatGPT and Dall-E, is now reported to have lost around $540 million (~RM2.4 billion) in 2022.

This loss is linked in terms of development involving ChatGPT, as well as obtaining various talents involving artificial intelligence from giant companies such as Google.

Previously, it was also said that ChatGPT itself costs around RM3.1 million per day to operate - due to the use of high-powered servers in processing.

Moving forward, OpenAI aims to achieve AGI development that can offer human-like levels of intelligence. To this end, OpenAI is expected to garner $100 billion in funding in the coming years.

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