Should You Be Angry with Your Child in Public?

 Parenting is a challenging journey filled with ups and downs, and at times, it can be particularly trying when your child misbehaves in public. It's natural to feel frustrated or embarrassed when your little one throws a tantrum or acts out, but the question remains: Should you be angry with your child in public? In this blog post, we will explore the pros and cons of expressing anger towards your child in public and provide some alternative approaches to consider.

Understanding Children's Behavior:

Before delving into the topic, it's essential to understand that children's behavior is a result of their developmental stage, temperament, and emotions. They are still learning how to regulate their emotions and may not have the same level of impulse control or understanding of social norms as adults. Bearing this in mind can help us approach challenging situations with empathy and patience.

The Pros of Expressing Anger:

Setting boundaries: Expressing anger in public can help establish boundaries and communicate to your child that their behavior is unacceptable. It may serve as a wake-up call and encourage them to reflect on their actions.

Teaching social etiquette: By displaying your disapproval, you can help your child understand what behavior is appropriate in public settings. They may learn valuable lessons about respecting others and behaving responsibly.

The Cons of Expressing Anger:

Negative emotional impact: Publicly expressing anger can negatively impact your child's emotional well-being. They may feel humiliated, ashamed, or fearful, potentially damaging their self-esteem and trust in you.

Escalating the situation: Displaying anger in public might escalate the situation further. Children often react to anger with more defiance or by intensifying their emotional outbursts, making it difficult to resolve the issue peacefully.

Alternative Approaches:

Stay calm and composed: Instead of getting angry, strive to remain calm and composed. Take deep breaths, count to ten, or find a moment to collect your thoughts. This approach allows you to respond to your child's behavior in a rational manner.

Divert attention: If your child's behavior is attracting unwanted attention, try diverting their focus to something else. Engage them in a different activity or initiate a conversation about something they enjoy, which may help defuse the situation.

Practice positive reinforcement: Reinforce positive behavior by acknowledging and praising your child when they exhibit good conduct. This method encourages them to seek approval through positive actions rather than acting out for attention.

Discuss behavior privately: If your child's behavior warrants a discussion, try to address it privately rather than in a public setting. Find a quiet space where you can talk calmly and explain your expectations and the consequences of their actions.


Parenting challenges are an inevitable part of raising children, and dealing with their misbehavior in public can be especially taxing. While it's normal to feel frustrated or embarrassed, expressing anger towards your child in public may not always be the best approach. Instead, opting for alternative strategies that emphasize empathy, patience, and open communication can foster a healthier parent-child relationship. Remember, the goal is not to exert control through anger but to guide your child's behavior and emotional development with love and understanding.

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