Tips for Short People Bringing a Big Motorcycle

 Being a motorcycle enthusiast is not limited to those blessed with towering heights. Short riders, just like their taller counterparts, can also enjoy the thrill of riding a big motorcycle. However, it's essential for shorter individuals to consider certain factors to ensure a safe and comfortable riding experience. In this blog post, we will explore some valuable tips specifically tailored to help short people bring a big motorcycle and make the most out of their two-wheeled adventures.

Choose the Right Motorcycle

Selecting a motorcycle that suits your height is crucial. Look for motorcycles with a low seat height and a narrow width, as they are generally more manageable for shorter riders. Cruiser-style motorcycles, adventure bikes with adjustable suspensions, or some of the newer models designed with shorter riders in mind are worth considering. Visit a motorcycle dealership and try sitting on various models to determine which one fits you best.

Lower the Suspension

If you have your heart set on a particular motorcycle that doesn't have a low seat height, you can opt to lower the suspension. Consult with a professional motorcycle mechanic or a suspension specialist to discuss the possibility of adjusting the suspension to accommodate your height. Lowering the suspension can help you reach the ground more comfortably, enhancing your overall stability and confidence.

Invest in the Right Riding Gear

Wearing the proper riding gear is crucial for all motorcyclists, but it becomes even more vital for shorter riders. Invest in gear that fits you well, including a helmet, jacket, gloves, and boots. Look for brands that offer gear specifically designed for shorter individuals, as they will provide a better fit and more comfort, ensuring maximum safety while riding.

Modify the Seat

Consider modifying the seat of your motorcycle to better suit your height and improve your riding experience. You can have a professional motorcycle upholsterer reshape the seat foam or add extra padding to ensure your feet comfortably reach the ground. Additionally, a narrower seat can help improve your leg reach, making it easier to control the motorcycle.

Adjust the Controls

Ensure that the controls on your motorcycle are within reach. Adjust the brake and clutch levers to a position where you can comfortably operate them without straining or stretching your fingers. Additionally, you can install handlebar risers to bring the handlebars closer to you, allowing for a more relaxed riding position.

Practice Mounting and Dismounting

Short riders often struggle with mounting and dismounting taller motorcycles gracefully. Spend time practicing these maneuvers in a safe and controlled environment. Practice using the balls of your feet to stabilize the motorcycle while keeping your weight centered. With practice, you'll develop better balance and coordination, making it easier to handle your motorcycle confidently.

Improve Your Riding Skills

Investing in professional riding lessons or attending motorcycle training courses can significantly improve your riding skills and confidence on a big motorcycle. These courses often focus on balance, maneuvering, and emergency handling techniques, allowing you to become a more competent rider regardless of your height.


Being vertically challenged shouldn't deter anyone from pursuing their passion for riding motorcycles. By following these tips, short riders can confidently bring a big motorcycle and enjoy the exhilaration of the open road. Remember to choose the right motorcycle, adjust the suspension and controls, invest in proper gear, and practice regularly. With the right preparation and mindset, short riders can conquer any road and experience the freedom and joy that comes with riding a big motorcycle.

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