After Perak Man Now The Face of Penang Woman Also Produced by the USM Team Using Forensic Techniques

 Last year, the face of the Perak Man (Perak Man) was produced by a group of researchers from Universiti Sains Malaysia to unravel the mystery of the skeleton found in 1991 in Lenggong Perak. The same team that produced an estimate of the face of the Perak people is now also producing an estimate of the face of the Penang Woman found in Guar Kepah in 2017.

Penang Woman's skull scans were taken before modern forensic reconstruction techniques were used to estimate skin thickness and facial features. Based on the same skull scan data, the reproduction of the face using 3D techniques was done by Cicero Moraes who is a face reconstruction artist from Brazil.

Penang Woman is estimated to have lived around 5000 years ago with a body height of 150cm and died at the age of 30 to 35 years. Tests on skeletal tissue also revealed he lived on protein from seafood or rivers.

For those interested in reading the research paper on the process of creating the Perak Woman's face using forensic techniques, you can read it through the link below.

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