EU : Device Batteries Must Be Easily Replaceable By Users By 2027


The European Union is fighting for a number of things that focus on consumer rights, and most recently, they have passed legislation that will require all electronic equipment to have easily user-replaceable batteries – not only the batteries of devices such as phones and tablets, but also the batteries of electric vehicles. In addition, each battery must also have a QR code that includes information about the battery including durability, capacity, chemical composition, etc.

This legislation will need to go through several more phases, and is expected to be enforced as early as 2027. This move is expected to have an impact on a number of manufacturers who also offer their products for the European market.

For information, some manufacturers such as Apple and Samsung have launched facilities to repair their own devices at home - and may say that this step is sufficient. As this legislation also covers a wide range of other devices, including electric vehicles, it is something that will be hotly debated in the industry in the coming years.

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