Leap Motion Control 2 Enables the XR Headset to be Controlled With Gestures


Do you remember Leap? Eleven years ago they offered a device that allowed various devices to be controlled using hand gestures. It's just like the Kinect device for Xbox once upon a time.

Leap now known as Ultraleap is now present with their new product Leap Motion Control 2. It is a control tool for augmented reality (XR) headsets, Windows computers and even macOS. Special accessories to connect to the headset will also be provided later.

Ultraleap did not reveal the full specifications of Leap Motion Control 2 other than claiming that the field of view has been expanded, the camera now supports 115 fps, saves 25% of power consumption, is 30% smaller in size, and detects more than 27 types of hand and finger movements.

This tiny controller is said to support any XR Android headset like the Pico 4 and allow users to control it completely by hand without a physical controller. If you want to become Iron Man controlling the contents of this hologram may be the way.

Leap Motion Control 2 will be sold in the third quarter of 2023 for $139 (~RM641). Not sure yet whether this new product will be sold in Malaysia or who knows if it will continue to be integrated into other gadgets as has been done with HP and Asus before.

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