Netflix Subscribers Increase After Banning Password Sharing

 Two weeks ago Netflix activated the ban on sharing past words to global users including in Malaysia. On social media the reaction to this new policy has been overwhelmingly negative with many saying they will cancel their Netflix subscriptions. But according to a report from Antenna, in the United States the number of subscribers increased.

In the first four days of the announcement, Netflix received an average of 73,000 new subscribers. This is 102% higher than the average new customer for the previous 60 days and is the highest increase since the start of the pandemic.

The number of new customers is higher than the number of cancellations. The data at this time is only for the United States but we will only know if it is a good result in the financial report for Q3 2023 later. Certainly in tests conducted in several Latin countries, Canada, New Zealand, Portugal and Spain, the number of customers also increased after password sharing was banned.

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