New Beatles Songs To Be Released This Year With The Help Of AI


The Beatles' last album was released in 1970 and after that the members of this legendary group went their separate ways. Hopes of hearing a new song from them were dashed after the death of John Lennon in 1980. In an interview with the BBC, Sir Paul McCartney said another new song from The Beatles would be released this year with the help of artificial intelligence (AI).

This last song is unnamed but is a demo recorded onto a cassette tape by Lennon that his widow Yoko Ono gave to McCartney decades ago. Speculation arose that it might be the song Now and Then that could not be completed due to the low quality of the recording on the cassette. With the help of AI, the audio track of Lennon's voice may finally be separated from the recordings now at high quality.

Only Sir Paul McCartney and Sir Ringo Starr are still alive and George Harrison died in 2001. Interest in The Beatles' music is still high among the younger generation because they revolutionized the Rock music genre in the 60s and 70s.

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