The First Episode of The Silo Series By Apple TV+ Is Now Free To Watch On Twitter

 Elon Musk says he is making Twitter a video platform comparable to YouTube. Therefore Twitter Blue customers are allowed to upload videos for up to two hours. Today the official AppleTV account uploaded the entire first episode of the Silo series for free on Twitter.

This episode was given away for free to entice people to watch the final episode of Silo's first season on Apple TV+. Silo is a series about the lives of tens of thousands of people in underground bunkers after the world is said to be contaminated. But the secret of why they were locked in this bunker began to unravel. It stars Rebecca Ferguson, Tim Robbins and Common.

On the Aksiz site I said Silo is the closest series to the popular video game Fallout. If you're into Fallout and unraveling conspiracy mysteries, Silo is the series for you.

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