This Is The Real Face Of Indonesian Hobbit Homo Floresiensis


An ancient human skeleton was found in Gua Liang located in the Flores Islands, Indonesia in 2003. When found, researchers realized it might be a new ancient human species that was only about 1.06 meters tall and lived between 16,000-18,000 years ago. The official scientific name for this species is Homo Floresiensis but due to the popularity of the Lord of The Rings movie when it was discovered it is more commonly known as the Indonesian Hobbit.

There have been several previous efforts to produce an image of the true face of the Indonesian Hobbit. But last week graphic artist Cicero Moraes used his 3D expertise and a scan of an Indonesian Hobbit skull to produce an approximation of the actual face. Images were generated using Blender 3D software.

Morae was involved in the process of producing estimates of the faces of Perak Man and Penang Woman last year which also used 3D imaging techniques.

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