This Is the Real Face of the Perak People According to USM's Latest Study


Orang Perak or better known as Perak Man is the oldest human skeleton ever found in Peninsular Malaysia. The skeleton found in 1991 in Gunung Runtuh Cave, Perak Lenggong Valley is estimated to be between 10,000-11,000 years old. Now after three decades the real face of the Perak people has been shown for the first time.

3D printing techniques, CT scans and forensic facial reconstruction techniques have been used to produce the image above which is believed to be the most accurate ever produced. The effort to produce this real face was carried out by a group of researchers from Universiti Sains Malaysia with the help of the firm Ortogonline Treinamento em Desenvolvimento Profissional e Consultoria

Ltda from Brazil.

Researchers have found that the head volume of the Perak people is smaller than the volume of modern humans giving the hypothesis that in addition to physical disabilities, the Perak people may also have mental disabilities. Defects in the spine and left hand can be seen on the skeleton. Although archaeologists believe he was an important person in the community based on how and where he was planted,

The discovery of Perak Man is important to understand the history of Paleolithic people in Peninsular Malaysia. When found, the skeleton was buried in a folded position like a baby in the womb, holding several types of meat and also buried with thousands of shell skins.

This research paper on the production of the Perak people's face has already been published in the Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences which can be accessed through the link below

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