This Is Why Turkish Islamists Love Erdogan


In the political landscape of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan has emerged as a dominant figure, wielding significant influence and garnering support from a particular group: Turkish Islamists. While Erdogan's popularity spans across various segments of society, it is within the Islamist community that his support is particularly strong. This blog post aims to delve into the reasons behind the fervent admiration and support that Turkish Islamists have for President Erdogan.

Cultural and Religious Identity:

Turkish Islamists perceive Erdogan as a champion of their cultural and religious identity. He has consistently emphasized his Islamic beliefs and has taken steps to promote Islamic values within Turkish society. Erdogan's government has increased funding for religious education, supported the construction of mosques, and encouraged the practice of Islam in public spaces. By reinforcing the role of religion in public life, Erdogan has resonated with Turkish Islamists who view him as their protector and advocate.

Economic Prosperity:

Under Erdogan's leadership, Turkey experienced a period of economic growth and stability, particularly in the early years of his tenure. His government implemented policies that fostered a business-friendly environment, attracting investments and encouraging entrepreneurship. This economic prosperity, coupled with Erdogan's populist rhetoric, resonated with Turkish Islamists who believed that their interests were being served by his administration. The notion of a prosperous Islamic nation under Erdogan's leadership has solidified his support within the Islamist community.

Counterbalancing Secular Forces:

Turkish Islamists view Erdogan as a counterbalance to the secular forces within the country. Turkey has a long history of secularism, with the military and judiciary traditionally acting as guardians of the secular state. However, Erdogan's rise to power challenged this status quo, and he implemented various reforms to limit the influence of secular institutions. His supporters among the Islamists saw these actions as a necessary step toward ensuring a more equitable representation of their values within the country's power structure.

Foreign Policy Stance:

Erdogan's foreign policy initiatives have also played a role in endearing him to Turkish Islamists. He has been vocal in his support for oppressed Muslim communities around the world, particularly the Palestinians. Erdogan's confrontational stance towards Israel and his criticism of Western powers resonated with Islamists who perceived him as a leader who stood up against perceived injustices faced by Muslims. This assertive foreign policy approach solidified his image as a defender of the Muslim world and garnered support from Turkish Islamists who valued his strong stance on these issues.


The reasons behind Turkish Islamists' affinity for Recep Tayyip Erdogan are multifaceted. His emphasis on cultural and religious identity, the economic prosperity witnessed under his tenure, his confrontational approach towards secular forces, and his foreign policy stance have all contributed to his popularity among this specific group. Erdogan's ability to tap into the aspirations and concerns of Turkish Islamists has not only solidified his support base but also empowered them within the political landscape of Turkey. Whether one agrees or disagrees with his policies, understanding the reasons behind this support is crucial for comprehending the dynamics within Turkish politics.

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