Twitter iOS Has Been Difficult To Upload GIFs For Over A Month – Here's The Solution


I'm a heavy user of Twitter because it's the best place to get the latest news quickly with reliable sources. This makes it the social media platform of choice for thousands of journalists because there is no better alternative at this time. But I noticed the Twitter app for iOS has been problematic for over a month now without any tech sites reporting it.

Tweet depends on the iOS application

The problem is in the form of any tweet with GIF will hang and cannot be sent. Other tweets that are then tried to be sent even without the GIF will also hang like the spirits of the dead that are not accepted by the earth and the sky. Tweets can only be sent if the first tweet with the GIF was deleted. This causes other messages written after it to also be deleted.

Only On iOS

I only experienced this issue on the iPhone and not on the Android app, Tweetdeck or the web version of Twitter. Multiple questions have been sent to @TwitterSupport with no response. When I tried to get Elon Musk's attention, again no response was given. Based on searches done over the past week, this issue occurs randomly.

Sometimes tweets with GIFs can be sent then they get blocked again after a day or two. Then Twitter will update the app, the problem is solved before like Chocolate Chipsmore it comes back to haunt iPhone users.

This recipe was successfully sent using an Android phone

I've tried various methods such as , reinstalling the app, and clearing the memory cache but all reached a dead end.

The solution is

The solution was only reached after finding that GIFs can be uploaded if they are taken from the image gallery. The issue only arises if the GIF is taken from Twitter's built-in gallery. The issue also does not arise if the GIF is taken from the Google Keyboard GIF gallery. Why does this happen? I have no expertise in producing applications so I have no answer at this time.

So to iPhone users who are tired of this issue, I recommend using Google Keyboard only for a while. If you are phobic about Google products, download your favorite GIFs to your phone and pray that this issue will be resolved soon. If your patience is gone, it's time to just migrate to Android!

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