Vimeo Also Has Video Editing Features Using Artificial Intelligence


Producing unique content is quite challenging, as well as involving a lot of work. Starting with script production, video recording and content editing. But don't worry because a new update on the Vimeo platform makes it all possible in no time.

There is now a brand new artificial intelligence (AI) support on Vimeo that can optimize various video editing processes. This support is specially designed to help users create scripts in seconds using generative AI, as well as being able to choose the tone and length of the desired video.

Not only that, it can also be used as a teleprompter to make it easier for someone to read the script while recording a video. The user experience becomes better when the font design support and the reading pace can also be changed while recording.

In the meantime, it can also delete or filter certain unwanted words or the cause of a pause in a video automatically as easily as entering instructions in text form. This feature will be officially available from next July which can be enjoyed by all users whether through subscription or not.

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