What is the Malaysian Government's Plan for the Space Industry?


The exploration and utilization of outer space have long been a fascination for mankind. In recent years, space agencies and governments worldwide have been actively investing in and developing their space industries. Malaysia, a country with a growing economy and a keen interest in science and technology, has also set its sights on the space sector. In this blog post, we will delve into the Malaysian government's plan for the space industry and explore the initiatives that have been undertaken to foster the country's participation in this exciting frontier.

Malaysia's Space Agency: MIGHT

The Malaysian government's strategic agency in driving the country's space industry is the Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT). MIGHT acts as a catalyst for technology and innovation, and it has been entrusted with overseeing the development and coordination of Malaysia's space programs and initiatives.

National Space Policy

To provide a comprehensive framework for the development of the space industry, the Malaysian government formulated the National Space Policy. The policy aims to create an ecosystem that fosters the growth of the space sector, promotes research and development activities, and encourages international collaborations. It also focuses on utilizing space technology for various sectors, including telecommunications, agriculture, disaster management, and national security.

Malaysian Space Program: An Overview

The Malaysian government has launched several programs and initiatives to establish a strong presence in the space industry. These efforts include satellite development, astronaut training, and collaborations with international space agencies.

a. Satellite Development: Malaysia has successfully developed and launched its own satellites, such as the RazakSAT and the Malaysia Experimental Spaceplane (MEXPLORE). These satellites have been instrumental in gathering data for applications such as environmental monitoring, agriculture, and disaster management.

b. Astronaut Program: Malaysia made history in 2007 when it sent its first astronaut, Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor, to the International Space Station (ISS) through a collaboration with the Russian space agency, Roscosmos. This achievement not only inspired the nation but also paved the way for further advancements in the space sector.

c. International Collaborations: The Malaysian government actively seeks collaborations with established space agencies and industry players to accelerate its space program. For instance, Malaysia has partnered with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) for satellite technology transfer and the development of the National Space Center.

Development of the National Space Center

The establishment of the National Space Center is a crucial step in consolidating Malaysia's space capabilities. The center will serve as a hub for research, development, and coordination of space-related activities. It will house various facilities, including satellite assembly and testing areas, training centers, and mission control rooms. The National Space Center will foster collaboration between academia, industry, and government agencies, driving innovation and entrepreneurship in the space sector.

The Way Forward: Ambitious Goals

Looking ahead, the Malaysian government has set ambitious goals for the development of its space industry. The objectives include expanding satellite manufacturing capabilities, enhancing space science education, fostering commercial space activities, and developing a spaceport to support future launches.

To achieve these goals, the government continues to invest in research and development, promote STEM education, and provide incentives for private sector participation in the space industry. These efforts align with Malaysia's broader national development plans, such as the 12th Malaysia Plan and the National Transformation 2050 (TN50), which recognize the significance of space technology in driving economic growth and enhancing the quality of life for Malaysians.


The Malaysian government's plan for the space industry reflects its commitment to technological progress and the desire to position Malaysia as a competitive player in the global space arena. Through strategic partnerships, investment in infrastructure, and the development of human capital, Malaysia aims to capitalize




on the potential benefits of space technology and contribute to sectors such as telecommunications, agriculture, disaster management, and national security.

The Malaysian government's proactive approach to the space industry not only opens doors for scientific exploration but also presents numerous economic opportunities. By investing in satellite development, Malaysia can gather valuable data for various applications, including monitoring environmental changes, optimizing agricultural practices, and mitigating the impact of natural disasters. Such information enables informed decision-making, enhances resource management, and contributes to sustainable development.

Furthermore, the government's focus on astronaut programs and international collaborations strengthens Malaysia's presence in the global space community. By participating in missions and partnering with established space agencies, Malaysia gains access to advanced technologies, knowledge sharing platforms, and expertise that can be leveraged to accelerate its space program. These collaborations also foster diplomatic relationships, opening doors for future joint ventures and research collaborations.

The establishment of the National Space Center serves as a testament to Malaysia's long-term vision for the space industry. The center will serve as a focal point for research and development, nurturing talent, and coordinating space-related activities. By bringing together academia, industry, and government agencies, the National Space Center will create an environment conducive to innovation, entrepreneurship, and knowledge exchange. It will provide a platform for researchers, engineers, and entrepreneurs to collaborate, develop cutting-edge technologies, and explore new frontiers in space exploration.

As Malaysia moves forward, it will face challenges that come with venturing into the space industry. These challenges include technological advancements, funding, and talent acquisition. However, with a strategic roadmap in place and a commitment to nurturing the necessary ecosystem, the Malaysian government is well-positioned to overcome these hurdles and realize its goals.

In conclusion, the Malaysian government's plan for the space industry demonstrates its vision for technological advancement, economic growth, and international collaboration. By investing in satellite development, astronaut programs, and the establishment of the National Space Center, Malaysia aims to capitalize on the benefits of space technology and contribute to various sectors. As the country continues to progress, it is poised to play a significant role in shaping the future of the global space industry, inspiring the next generation of scientists, and unlocking the immense potential that space exploration holds.

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