Why is Malaysia More Sensitive than Arabs in the Issue of Israel?


The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been a longstanding and highly complex issue that has garnered significant attention and debate on the global stage. While many countries and regions around the world have taken positions and expressed their concerns regarding the conflict, Malaysia stands out as one nation that exhibits a particularly heightened sensitivity to the issue of Israel. This blog post aims to explore the reasons behind Malaysia's unique sensitivity compared to Arab nations when it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Historical and Cultural Context:

To understand Malaysia's sensitivity towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, we must first consider the historical and cultural context of the nation. Malaysia, a predominantly Muslim country with a rich Islamic heritage, shares strong cultural and religious ties with the Muslim world. The Palestinian cause resonates deeply with Malaysians due to their empathy for fellow Muslims who face hardship and displacement.

Religious Identity and Solidarity:

Malaysia's sensitivity towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can be attributed, in part, to the strong religious identity and sense of solidarity among its citizens. The majority of Malaysians identify as Muslims, and Islam emphasizes the importance of supporting fellow Muslims and advocating for justice. The suffering endured by Palestinians in the conflict resonates strongly with Malaysian Muslims, leading to heightened sensitivity and activism.

Political Stance and International Relations:

Malaysia has consistently voiced its support for the Palestinian cause and criticized Israeli policies and actions. The Malaysian government's stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict reflects the sentiment of its population, which contributes to the nation's heightened sensitivity. Additionally, Malaysia has historically pursued an independent foreign policy and has often taken positions that align with its own interests and principles, including supporting the rights of Palestinians.

Media Coverage and Public Opinion:

Media plays a crucial role in shaping public opinion and awareness of global issues. In Malaysia, the media often highlights the plight of Palestinians, presenting a narrative that emphasizes their suffering and portrays Israel as an aggressor. This coverage, combined with social media activism, has helped raise awareness and galvanize public sentiment, contributing to the country's heightened sensitivity towards the issue.

Lack of Direct Involvement:

Unlike many Arab nations that share borders with Israel or have had direct involvement in the conflict, Malaysia has no direct stake in the Israeli-Palestinian dispute. This lack of direct involvement allows Malaysians to express their views without immediate repercussions or concerns about escalation. Consequently, Malaysia's sensitivity may be driven by a desire to lend its voice to the Palestinian cause without experiencing the immediate consequences of a conflict in their own backyard.


Malaysia's heightened sensitivity towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can be attributed to a combination of historical, cultural, religious, and political factors. The strong cultural and religious ties shared between Malaysia and the Muslim world, along with the nation's support for the Palestinian cause, contribute to the deep empathy felt by Malaysians. The media's role in shaping public opinion and Malaysia's lack of direct involvement in the conflict further amplify the country's sensitivity. Understanding these factors helps shed light on Malaysia's unique perspective and why it stands out among Arab nations in terms of sensitivity towards the Israeli-Palestinian issue.

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