YouTube Is Testing A Feature Using More Than One "Thumbnail" Image On A Video

 In order to attract the attention of the audience, an attractive small image or "thumbnail" is necessary. You may hate it but thumbnails with human faces with shocked and funny facial expressions will get higher views. YouTube has announced a new “Test & Compare” feature that allows more than one thumbnail to be used on a single video.

With this feature channel owners can see which thumbnails have higher views. After some time, the channel owner can choose only one image that gives the highest views. Up to three thumbnails can be uploaded for one video. This feature is being given to a few hundred channel owners only at this time as a test with plans to offer it to more users starting in 2024.

Using more than one thumbnail isn't unusual as it's a tactic Netflix has admitted to using. Some thumbnails appeal more to female viewers and other thumbnails to male viewers.

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