Congress Was Told United States Was Storing UFOs And Alien Bodies


"The truth is out there" is the motto of FBI agent Fox Mulder in The X-Files series. It is a fiction about the existence of strange phenomena such as UFOs (now renamed UAP), cryptids and ghosts. The United States Congress was told yesterday that the existence of Unknown Aerial Phenomena (UAP) has been kept secret by the government through several agencies since the 1930s.

Maj. (B) David Grusch who was formerly with the United States Air Force (USAF) gave a sworn statement to a congressional subcommittee that the U.S. also kept the wreckage of a crashed UAP with alien bodies inside. In addition, it was also alleged that individuals who tried to reveal this secret were threatened by certain agencies with cases where they were killed to keep their mouths shut.

More surprisingly, the United States is said to have used reverse engineering to obtain technology from UAP wreckage that has been collected. In the effort, death is also said to occur.

Interest in the UAP increased again in the U.S. after the incident of the Chinese balloon being shot down by the USAF for alleged espionage activities. The USAF issued a statement that not all objects that have been shot down were balloons from China, opening speculation that they were non-man-made aircraft. In the same subcommittee, several witnesses also made sworn statements of seeing UAP while on duty as USAF pilots.

The Pentagon has already released a statement denying Grusch's claims. NASA began a study of the existence of UAP last year with a final report to be published in the near future. In the initial report issued by committee members, many witnesses refused to give sworn statements because they were worried about the negative stigma they would receive.

The UAP phenomenon has been reported since ancient Greek times with scientists saying it may be a natural phenomenon like comets that at the time was not understood by them. Do UFOs and aliens really exist? The truth is still out there.

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