Google Reportedly Developing News Writing AI Offered To Several Media


The New York Times reported this morning that Google is developing an artificial intelligence (AI) that can write news. It has been offered to several media companies such as Washington Post, News Corp and NYT. This AI is marketed as an aid to writers to produce content and not a replacement for human journalists.

This intelligence uses the code name Genesis and has been shown to several executives to demonstrate its capabilities. In a statement given to The Verge, a Google representative said Genesis could be used to help journalists write headlines and news items in a different style than they usually do. Google insists it's not a replacement for human reporters and just a tool that can help make the task easier.

AI that helps with writing is already being used at Buzzfeed. Even in WordPress an AI plugin that can provide ideas has been provided a few months ago. The future of human writers looks rather dark. It is the reason why the Writers Guild of America (WGA) in Hollywood is now on strike because they refuse to use the scripts they produce to train the AI that threatens search resources.

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