Google Will Use Self-Designed Tensor Chips In Pixels Starting 2025


Using self-designed chips is a step taken by Apple, Samsung, and Huawei to save costs and allow the needs of their own devices to be prioritized. Google has been using the Tensor chip in its Pixel devices for the past two years but it was produced with the help of Samsung.

The latest report from The Information says that the fully Google-designed chip will only be released in 2025. It will be manufactured by TSMC, meaning there will be no Samsung involvement at all.

Chips that use the code name Redondo before, will only be used as a test to produce the next chip with the code name Laguna. Laguna when launched later will most likely use the name Tensor G5.

Unlike Qualcomm chips, MediaTek and Apple Tensor chips focus on artificial intelligence. Therefore when the benchmark test is done the performance is two years behind. With the Tensor G5 maybe finally Pixel with a real flagship chip can be offered.

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