Here's How To Use GIFs In Threads


Threads was unexpectedly launched yesterday by Meta as an alternative to Twitter. In just 24 hours it already has 50 million users. This is equivalent to 1/8 of Twitter users in just one day. Clearly Threads has the potential to be a more realistic replacement for Twitter than Mastodon and BlueSky.

But at this time Threads still does not have complete features when compared to Twitter. The most notable shortcoming for us is the lack of support for adding GIFs to status payloads. But don't panic because there is a way to use GIFs on Android and iOS devices in Threads through this tutorial.


Download Swfitkey keyboard. This keyboard has a built-in GIF feature.

After installation don't forget to select Swiftkey as keyboard on Android.

On Swiftkey press the GIF icon above the keyboard. On Gboard do the same.

Do a search for the GIF you want to use.

Press the GIF you want to use and it will automatically be placed on the Threads status composing window.

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Swiftkey on Android

Note – We don't use Gboard for Android because it doesn't allow copy pasting GIFs into Threads.


Download Gboard or Swiftkey keyboard. Both of these keyboards have a built-in GIF feature as well on iOS.

After installation don't forget to select Gboard or Swiftkey as the keyboard for iOS.

On Swiftkey press the GIF icon above the keyboard. It's located next to the Bing icon.

Do a search for the GIF you want to use.

Tap the GIF you want to use to copy. Then paste the GIF on the Threads status compose window. This needs to be done on Swiftkey and Gboard. Unlike on Android, iOS does not automatically allow GIF patching.

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